We have a place
Need a trail map?We have maps for hiking trails, ATV and ORV trails and snowmobiles.
Download them here, buy one online to be mailed, to you, or pick one up at our Visitor Center while you are here. |
Destination Michigan (PBS)
Drummond Island Clip: Season 11 Episode 2 | 5m 39s Destination Michigan’s island-hopping adventure made a stop on Drummond island. Take a tour with Steve Smith in this segment of the show that aired on February 27, 2020. |
Do you have an event to share? Send us the details.
What's Happening on the Island?Good question! Drummond Island offers a wide range of activities coordinated by local organizations. Festivals, tournaments, fundraisers and more! Our online calendar is your resource for everything happening on Drummond Island.
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