8th Annual Lynn & Laura Ice Fishing Tournament
Saturday, February 15, 2025 Must be Registered by Friday February 14th $30 per person. You must be registered and paid by Friday February 14th. Register at the Drummond Island Outfitters. All entry fees will be divided for the following prize categories: Biggest Perch Biggest Pike Total Weight of Perch Weigh In: 6-6:45 pm at the Northwood Restaurant & Bar. Prize raffle to follow awarding of fishing prizes. Raffle tickets will be for sale starting at 3 pm February 15th at the Northwood Restaurant & Bar. Money from the raffle will be donated to the Drummond Island Ambulance Corps. Spear fishing is allowed. You must follow all State rules and regulations. For details stop by Drummond Island Outfitters or call 906-493-6300. |
Purchase Visitor's Guide for $6